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The objective of the project is threefold:

Objective 1

Determine the scope and size of CAD quality-related problems in industrial settings through qualitative and quantitative research methods, developing a formal model of costs.

Objective 2

Elaborate a proposal of formal modeling methodologies for the creation of high-quality solid and surface models in parametric feature-based CAD systems.

Objective 3

Implement tools to support the development and validation of formal modeling methodologies.

Problem scoping and sizing will be approached both qualitatively through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews as well as quantitatively through the development of a user activity tracker and the analysis of modeling activity logs and CAD journal files to disaggregate the tasks performed by a user in a work session and quantify the time spent correcting regeneration errors. These tasks will provide the input for the development of a formal cost model associated with the low quality of CAD models.

Considering the reduced number of formal methodologies publicly available and their questionable effectiveness to produce the type of quality models required for this project, we will leverage the results of recent research projects and the vast experience of the members of the research group to define a strategy for modeling solids and surfaces which enables the creation of high-quality models in a systematic manner.

To guide the development and validation of the modeling methodologies, we propose the implementation of a set of tools to evaluate the reusability of the models and their regeneration performance and verify in an automated way the preservation of design intent when the models are edited.

The project will address four general objectives:

G1. Determine the scope and size of CAD quality-related problems in industrial settings through qualitative and quantitative research methods, developing a formal model of costs.

This general objective is comprised of the following specific objectives:

S1.1. Development of a formal model to determine the costs induced by low-quality models (PI1).

S1.2. Conduct a qualitative study to identify CAD quality-related problems (PI1).

S1.3. Conduct a quantitative study to size CAD quality-related problems (PI2).

G2. Elaborate a proposal of formal modeling methodologies for the creation of high quality solid and surface models in parametric feature-based CAD systems.

This general objective is comprised of the following specific objectives:

S2.1. Development of a formal modeling methodology for solid models (PI2).

S2.2. Development of a formal modeling methodology for surface models (PI1).

S2.3. Evaluation of the methodologies against state-of-the-art methodologies (PI1).

G3. Implement tools to support the development and validation of formal modeling methodologies.

This general objective is comprised of the following specific objectives:

S3.1. Development of metrics and tools to measure reusability and regeneration times (PI1).

S3.2. Development of metrics and tools to verify the preservation of design intent (PI2).

G4. Disseminate the results of the project to the scientific community and transfer the results to industry.

This general objective is comprised of the following specific objectives:

S4.1. Carry out the project coordination and management tasks (PI1 & PI2).

S4.2. Disseminate the project results to industry (PI1).

S4.3. Publish at least six articles in high-impact journals, and present at least three papers at highly ranked international conferences during the execution of the project (PI1 & PI2).
