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[AKM02] Altrichter, H., Kemmis, S., McTaggart, R., Zuber‐Skerritt, O. (2002), The concept of action research. The Learning Organization 9(3), 125–131.

[BLV20] Besharati-Foumani H., Lohtander M., Varis J. (2020) Fundamentals and new achievements in feature-based modeling, a review. Procedia Manufacturing, 51, 998–1004. [BRC14] Bodein Y., Rose B., Caillaud E. (2014) Explicit reference modeling methodology in parametric CAD system. Computers in Industry 65(1), 136–147.

[BM02] Brunnermeier S. B., Martin S. A. (2002) Interoperability costs in the US automotive supply chain. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 7(2), 71–82.

[BRC14] Bodein Y, Rose B, Caillaud E. (2014) Explicit reference modeling methodology in parametric CAD system. Computers in Industry No.65, pp. 136–147.

[DSD20] Delahunty T., Seery N., Dunbar R., Ryan M. (2020) An exploration of the variables contributing to graphical education students’ CAD modelling capability. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 30, 389–411.

[DTS12] Daud M.F., Taib J.M., Shariffudin R.S. (2012) Assessing mechanical engineering undergraduates’ conceptual knowledge in three-dimensional computer aided design (3D CAD). Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 56, 1–11.

[GGM19] Garikano X., Garmendia M., Manso A.P., Solaberrieta E. (2019) Strategic knowledge-based approach for CAD modelling learning. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 29(4), 947–959.

[Geb22] Gebhard R. (2022) A Resilient Modeling Strategy. Available at

[Her21] Herron J.B. Re-Use Your CAD: The Model-Based CAD Handbook. Independently published (2021) ISBN-13:‎ 979-8597987880.

[JB07] Jackson C., Buxton M. (2007) The design reuse benchmark report: seizing the opportunity to shorten product development. Aberdeen Group, Boston.

[KA21] Kyratzi S., Azariadis P. (2021). A constraint-based framework to recognize design intent during sketching in parametric environments. Computer-Aided Design & App. 18(3), 545–560.

[LK04] Landers D.M., Khurana P. (2004) Horizontally-structured CAD/CAM modeling for virtual concurrent product and process design. US Patent 6,775,581.

[LPG18] Lindsay A., Paterson A., Graham I. (2018). Identifying and quantifying inefficiencies within industrial parametric CAD models. In Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXII: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (vol. 8, p. 227).

[MOR16] Mandorli F., Otto H.E., Raffaeli R. (2016). Explicit 3D functional dimensioning to support design intent representation and robust model alteration. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 13(1), 108–123.

[NEN21] Nerents T.B., Ebro M., Nielsen M., Eifler T., Nielsen K.L. (2021) Exploring barriers for the use of FEA-based variation simulation in industrial development practice. Design Science, 7, e21.

[OST20] Ostrosi E., Stjepandić J., Tomasić Ž. (2020). Robust CAD modelling: concepts and principles for industrial applications. In Transdisciplinary Engineering for Complex Socio-technical Systems–Real-life Applications, pp. 612–621. IOS Press.

[PTR07] Peffers, K., Tuunanen, T., Rothenberger, M.A., Chatterjee, S. (2007). A design science research methodology for information systems research. Journal of Manag. Inf. Systems. 24, 3 (2007), 45–77.

[RM21] Ramos B., Melgosa C. (2021) CAD learning in Mechanical Engineering at universities. Computer-Aided Design & Applications, 18(1), 2021, 24-41.

[RMC18] Ramos B., Melgosa C., Castrillo G. (2018). The importance of adaptive expertise in CAD learning: maintaining design intent. Journal of Engineering Design, 29(10), 569–595.

[RMZ17] Ramos B., Melgosa C., Zamora R. (2017) Learning CAD at university through summaries of the rules of design intent, Int. Journal of Technology and Design Education, 27(3), 481–498.

[SM95] Shah J. J., Mäntylä M. (1995) Parametric and feature-based CAD/CAM: concepts, techniques, and applications, John Wiley & Sons.

[SOZ20] Seff A., Ovadi, Y., Zho, W, Adams, R. P. (2020). Sketchgraphs: A large-scale dataset for modeling relational geometry in computer-aided design. arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.08506.

Selected references corresponding to contributions from our research team

[*AJA21] Aranburu A., Justel D., Angulo I. (2021) Reusability and flexibility in parametric surface based models: A review of modeling strategies. Computer-Aided Design & Applications, 18(4), pp. 864–874.

[*AJC22] Aranburu A., Justel D., Contero, M., Camba, J.D. (2022) Geometric variability in parametric 3D models: implications for engineering design. 32nd CIRP Design Conference. E.N.S Paris-Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, from March 28th to March 30th, 2022.

[*CCC16] Camba, J. D., Contero, M., Company, P. (2016) Parametric CAD modeling: An analysis of strategies for design reusability, Computer-Aided Design, 74, 18–31.

[*CCC21] Camba J.D, Contero M., Company P., Hartman N. (2021) The cost of change in parametric modeling: A roadmap. Computer-Aided Design and Applications. 18(3), 634–643.

[*CCJ14] Camba J., Contero M., Johnson M. and Company P. (2014) Extended 3D annotations as a new mechanism to explicitly communicate geometric design intent and increase CAD model reusability. Computer-Aided Design, 57, 61–73.

[*CCO15] Company P., Contero M., Otey J. and Plumed R. (2015) Approach for developing coordinated rubrics to convey quality criteria in MCAD training. Computer-Aided Design, 63, 101–117.

[*CNC20] Company P., Naya F., Contero M. and Camba J.D. (2020) On the role of geometric constraints to support design intent communication and model reusability. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 17(1), 61–76.

[*CPV02] Contero M., Company P., Vila C., Aleixos N. (2002). Product data quality and collaborative engineering. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 22(3), 32–42.

[*GCC17] González-Lluch C., Company P., Contero M., Camba J.D., and Plumed R. A (2017) Survey on 3D CAD model quality assurance and testing tools. Computer-Aided Design, 83, 64–79.

[*GPP21] González-Lluch C., Plumed R., Pérez-López D. Company P., Contero M, and Camba J.D. (2021) A Constraint Redundancy Elimination Strategy to Improve Design Reuse in Parametric Modeling. Computers in Industry, 129, article 103460.

[*OCC18] Otey J., Company P., Contero M. and Camba J.D. (2018) Revisiting the design intent concept in the context of mechanical CAD education. Computer-Aided Design and Applications. 15(1), 47–60.
